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Little Sparks Labs

"Welcome to Little Sparks Labs, where I, Shanvi, explore the exciting world of electronics and technology! Join me as I create fun and easy-to-follow Arduino projects and basic electronics experiments. I'll show you how to make cool gadgets, circuits, and inventions right at home! Perfect for kids and beginners who love to learn and create!" [...]

Science Project

It is always important for students, parents and teachers to know a good source for science related equipment and supplies they need for their science activities. Please note that many online stores for science supplies are managed by Robotiik.com. [td_block_2 custom_title="Science Latest Project" header_color="#f47200" separator="" tdc_css=""]

Pro E

Hello Engineers I Got many requests from all over the world about Pro E models. Different pro e projects, This page is only for Pro E specialist or Pro E students. Here you can get different Pro e, Cad models. If you have any more than you can send it to us and we will […]

Electronics Tutorials

[td_block_big_grid_8 category_id="509" sort="popular"][td_block_18 custom_title="Trending Tutorials" category_id="509" ajax_pagination="load_more"][td_block_ad_box spot_id="sidebar"][td_block_social_counter facebook="Enggallery" twitter="EngineerGallery" youtube="channel/UC9Q5C10pKW4u0z8J26auP1w" googleplus="Engineersgallery" open_in_new_window="y"] Electronics Tutorials Welcome to our all new Basic Electronics Tutorials and revision web site, we hope you like it. The purpose of this site is to give students and beginners alike studying Electronics, good Basic Tutorials and information to help develop a knowledge [...]

Project Competition

 [sam id=”6″ codes=”true”] [contesthopper contest=”2390″]   Every year, Start Here, Go Places. sets out to challenge  knowledge and creativity through an annual competition. Whether an individual or team competition, the focus of the challenge changes annually, but the purpose remains consistent: Help students explore the unlimited opportunities that are available with a career in accounting […]


[td_block_big_grid_slide category_id="210" sort="popular" autoplay="2" limit="12"][td_block_20 custom_title="Mechanical Project" category_id="210" ajax_pagination="load_more"][td_block_ad_box spot_id="sidebar"][td_block_social_counter facebook="Enggallery" twitter="EngineerGallery" youtube="channel/UC9Q5C10pKW4u0z8J26auP1w" googleplus="Engineersgallery" open_in_new_window="y"]  Mechanical Engineering Free download Mechanical engineering project, download mechanical project for free, final year mechanical project, mini mechanical project. This page is about mechanical students, Here they find from basics to advance engineering. Also there is many methods for maintenance also safety [...]

C Language

[td_block_9 custom_title="C Language" category_id="29" ajax_pagination="load_more"][td_block_social_counter facebook="Enggallery" twitter="EngineerGallery" youtube="channel/UC9Q5C10pKW4u0z8J26auP1w" googleplus="Engineersgallery" open_in_new_window="y"] Learn C Language This page is mainly aim to bigineers.  Here engineers get C Language tutorial, C language programs, C language material, C language guide, C language projects, Here its all about C Language. Engineers Gallery is a community of Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Computer, Chemical [...]

EG Comp

[td_block_9 custom_title="PHP" category_id="704"][td_block_19 custom_title="C Language" custom_url="http://www.engineersgallery.com/eg-comp-room/c-language/" category_id="29"][td_block_ad_box spot_id="custom_ad_2" spot_title="Click Here"][td_block_social_counter facebook="Enggallery" twitter="EngineerGallery" youtube="channel/UC9Q5C10pKW4u0z8J26auP1w" googleplus="Engineersgallery"][td_block_11 custom_title="Trending Post" sort="random_posts" limit="8"] EG Comp Room | php projects | .net projects | Java projects | web development | Mobile App development EG Comp Room : Here you will find C program, C++ program java,.net, php, mysql, programs. In EG [...]

ECE Projects

[td_block_1 custom_title="ECE Project" category_id="3218" ajax_pagination="load_more"][td_block_social_counter facebook="Enggallery" twitter="EngineerGallery" youtube="channel/UC9Q5C10pKW4u0z8J26auP1w" googleplus="Engineersgallery" open_in_new_window="y"][td_block_ad_box spot_id="sidebar"] ECE Projects Ideas for Final Year Students ECE refers to Electronics and Communication Engineering. This one of the most demanded branches in engineering as the students who join in this branch would have many opportunities in their career. Every engineering student should complete their [...]

Project Box

[td_block_4 custom_title="Project Box" category_id="19" limit="6" ajax_pagination="load_more"][td_block_social_counter facebook="Enggallery" twitter="EngineerGallery" youtube="channel/UC9Q5C10pKW4u0z8J26auP1w" googleplus="Engineersgallery" open_in_new_window="y"][td_block_ad_box spot_id="sidebar"] Project Box. The EngineersGallery project box is designed to disseminate high quality, hands-on, team-based projects for the first-year to final year electrical engineering (EE), computer engineering (CE), computer science (CS) and electrical engineering technology (EET) Project box. Here you will find Electronics project box. Engineers [...]


Engineers Gallery- 8051, AVR, 8051 projects, 8051 microcontroller projects, AVR projects, AVR tutorial, AVR microcontroller projects, electronics projects, free electronic circuits, circuit diagrams, circuits, schematics, hobby electronic projects, electronic projects, hobby electronic circuit diagram, final year projects, embedded projects, technical articles. Interfacing microcontroller 8051 with peripherals like ADC, LCD, EEPROM etc. Source code, and working videos on EngineersGallery. Electronic components with datasheets and pin diagrams on EngineersGallery.

EngineersGallery is a community of  Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Computer, Chemical Engineers which interacts with each other to learn and share technical knowledge. EG currently serves 500k+ visitors every month and have more than 170k+ FB fans. Our huge repository of knowledge is being used by engineers from 3000+ Companies  who have registered with us.

EngineersGallery : arduino, arduino projects ideas, 8051,AVR, 8051 projects, 8051 microcontroller projects, AVR projects, AVR tutorial, AVR microcontroller projects at EngineersGallery…

EngineersGallery are a community of enthusiastic experimenters who like to rack their brains to create value  out of knowledge.Our motivation comes from the people who live with the same objective of “Inspiring Creations”.

EngineersGallery are devoted to constantly creating and sharing high quality work, and learning from the collective wisdom of the community. Whether it is tinkering with common electronic gadgets to see how they work, or creating a complex project to automate a time consuming task, our firm belief that learning is a lifelong pursuit which must not stop even if formal education does, spurs us to push the limits of our knowledge.

Our strength lies in our contributors as EngineersGallery share a mutual commitment to serve the community by investing our time, efforts, courage and knowledge. The trust that the community has placed on us drives us to work harder and deliver better. Currently EngineersGallery are working with 300+ contributors who constantly share their work with a vast community of engineers, researchers, professionals, hobbyist and inventors through our channels.

EngineersGallery seek out like minded innovators who like to get their hands dirty with the technology, be it old school science when electronics was in its infancy or is today’s cutting edge technology. EngineersGallery understand that creation is an onerous task and EngineersGallery provide innovators with the right culture where hard work bears sweet fruit, gets right feedback and motivates them to do more. EngineersGallery understand the efforts and the pains that it takes to accomplish anything worth doing. For this reason Engineers Gallery ensure that the honorarium matches the efforts.With the support of more than fifty thousand brains who frequent our community from nearly every nook and corner of the world through forums, mails, feedback and comments, EngineersGallery offer you the opportunity to create what you dream of, be lauded for it and finally take it to the next level of innovation and invention.

Wait no further if you believe in yourself, for Engineers Gallery believe in you. Engineers Gallery look forward to a long term engagement with you.
