Selection Sort: C Program
Selection sort in C: C program for selection sort to sort numbers. This code implements…
Find out difference in days between any two dates:C Program
I am trying to take one date away from another in C and find the…
Inventor’s Positioning Axis (8 micron linear accuracy)
Inventor's Positioning Axis (8 micron linear accuracy) by Michele and Jim Gray Optimized for product…
Lm35 with Arduino
Lm35 with Arduino LM35 is the best temperature sensor you can use it…
Types of Gear : Worm & Worm Wheel
WORM & WORM WHEEL Worm gears are used when large gear reductions are needed. It…
Apple IPad Mini With Touch ID.
Apple IPad Mini With Touch ID. So many innovations, but it still fits perfectly…
Understand Mechanical Gear : Screw Gear | Types of gear
SCREW GEAR [nextpage title="Description" ] Why did we invent the Screw Gear? Linear to rotary…
Electronic code lock with user defined password using 8051
Electronic code lock with user defined password using 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51) [nextpage title="Summary" ] SUMMARY:…
Understand Mechanical Gear : Spiral Bevel Gear
SPIRAL BEVEL GEAR [nextpage title="Description" ] A spiral bevel gear is a bevel gear with…