PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT A product development has to go through the following concepts of product engineering…
MANUFACTURING SYSTEM [caption id="attachment_49895" align="aligncenter" width="557"] MANUFACTURING SYSTEM[/caption] Manufacturing basically implies making of goods or…
Automatic Grow Box
What should the Grow Box do? The Grow Box have many tasks. Automatic watering It…
COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM) [caption id="attachment_49892" align="aligncenter" width="1680"] COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM)[/caption] The computer aided…
Text from Mobile Phone via Bluetooth to LCD
Introduction: Within what we can do with Arduino and as electronics enthusiasts, today it is…
Voice Recognition Project Using EasyVR Shield
Introduction: Voice recognition is quite a difficult task and usually done on software like MATLAB,…
What is Operational Amplifier?
Introduction: Operational Amplifier or commonly known as op-amp is a voltage amplifying device. The output…
What is a Serial Port?
Serial Port Introduction: We can also judge from its name that this pin that this…