Engineers Gallery

5 great projects to launch you into the Intel Edison adventure!

5 great projects to launch you into the Intel Edison adventure!

We’ve scoured the Net looking for fun projects using the Intel Edison board, and here is our Top 5!

#5 The flame fire alarm

Always useful in a kitchen (or why not next to a fireplace), this flame fire alarm is a fairly easy home automation project. The perfect choice for a first project!

#4 The custom doorbell

Tired of listening to the same old sound of your doorbell? Look no further, this Intel Edison board tutorial shows you how to customise it! A fun little project to keep you busy in the winter evenings!

#3 The smart toothbrush

We’ve heard it so many times, to be effective we should brush our teeth for 2 full minutes! Enter the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) with this connected toothbrush holder, and forge good habits all at the same time! A countdown is triggered when you remove your toothbrush from its holder and stops when the 2 minutes are up. A small bell then rings and a congratulatory e-mail is sent off!

#2 The DSLR camera controller with mobile app

Create an elegant control device and mount it on your DSLR camera – the add-on will then let you use your camera via your smartphone! The project involves the 3D printing of a mounting component. If you don’t yet have one, why not check out the Replicator Mini by MakerBot, a little gem!

#1 The tiny cheese maker

This project clearly deserves its position as number 1 for the reasons stated in its title – yes, it’s a mini cheese maker! The components needed for this wonderful project include 1 Intel Edison board (which goes without saying!), 1Grove Starter Kit, some servos, plus a small candle and a small wooden structure you’ll need to make. The meeting of the modern and the past!


Everything you need to get started with Intel Edison:

Intel Edison and Arduino Breakout Kit

Intel Edison and mini Breakout Kit

SparkFun Block for Intel Edison – 9 degrees of freedom

SparkFun Block for Intel Edison – PWM
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