PHP Variable Scopes
PHP Variables Scopes In PHP Variable can declare anywhere in the script. [sam id="4" codes="true"]…
PHP Variables
Variables are "containers" for storing information. Creating (Declaring) Variables [sam id="4" codes="true"] In PHP,…
PHP Syntax
A PHP script is executed on the server, and the plain HTML result is sent…
PHP Introduction
PHP Scripts are executed on the server   What You Should Already Know…
Implement Tower of Hanoi using C language
This C program uses recursive function & solves the tower of hanoi. The tower of hanoi…
Function in C language
A function is a group of statements that together perform a task. Every C program…
Pointer in C language
Pointers in C are easy and fun to learn. Some C programming tasks are performed…
Find Inverse of a matrix: C Program
C program to find the Inverse of a matrix. To find the Matrix Inverse, matrix…
Remove duplicate elements from keyboard: C Program
This C program remove same elements from given list. This program visit each numbers if…