Engine Locking System
The main objective of this project is to develop an embedded system which detects the alcohol.
(Automatic Engine Locking system for drunk driver )
This project is implemented 8051 development board interfaced with alcohol sensor, Buzzer.


Most of these days, we hear lot of accidents due to drunken driving. Drunken drivers will not be in stable condition and so the rash driving is the inconvenience for other road users and also question of life and death for the drunken driver and for others.
In this project, we are developing an Auto Lock System. Alcohol sensor is interfaced to microcontroller. While alcohol wafers smelled by the sensor. Sensor sends the input voltage to micro controller. If there are any traces of Alcohol above the set limit, then the system will lock the Engine at the same time will automatically gives a buzzer. We can avoid accidents by checking the driving people on the roads. So that we can avoid accidents.
The system uses a compact circuitry built around Flash version of 8051 microcontroller with a non-volatile memory capable of retaining the password data for over ten years. Here we make Embedded C Program. For programming we use ISP.
The main purpose of this project is “Drunk driving detection”. Now a days, many accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the person who is driving the vehicle. Thus Drunk driving is a major reason of accidents in almost all countries all over the world. This is best for everyone.
Embedded ‘C’
Keil to write code
Flash magic to burn the chip
- Power Supply
- Alcohol sensor
- Buzzer
- Driver circuit
- Engine/MOTORS
- Lm324 op-amp
ADVANTAGES: Low cost, automated operation, Low Power consumption.
- The MICROCONTROLLER 8051 and embedded systems
- www.wikipedia.org
- WWW.atmel.com
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