Factor of Safety
It is defined, in general, as the ratio of the maximum stress to the working…
Stress – Strain Diagram
In designing various parts of a machine, it is necessary to know how the material will…
Bearing Stress
BEARING STRESS A localised compressive stress at the surface of contact between two members of…
Shear Modulus or Modulus of Rigidity
It has been found experimentally that within the elastic limit, the shear stress is directly proportional…
Shear Stress and Strain
When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite forces acting tangentially across the resisting…
Young’s Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity
Hooke's law* states that when a material is loaded within elastic limit, the stress is…
Compressive stress and strain
COMPRESSIVE STRESS AND STRAIN When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite axial pushes…
Tensile Stress and strain
TENSILE STRESS AND STRAIN [caption id="attachment_3190" align="aligncenter" width="727"] Fig. 1 Tensile Stress and Strain[/caption] When…
STRAIN When a system of forces or loads act on a body, it undergoes some…