Single Point Cutting Tools
Single Point Cutting Tools There are mainly two types of single point tools namely the…
METAL CUTTING Metal cutting or traditional machining processes are also known as conventional machining processes. These…
Polishing Operation
Polishing Operation Polishing is surfacing finishing process for producing a flat, scratch-free, mirror-like finish. It consists…
Grinding Operation
Grinding Operation Grinding Operation is generally called as fine machining or finishing operations of removing…
Tightening Tools
Tightening Tools The tightening tools include pliers, screw driver and wrenches, which are discussed as under.…
Hand hacksaw
Hand hacksaw Hand hacksaws are made in two types namely a fixed frame and adjustable…
Mechanical Reamer Tool
Mechanical Reamer Tool The drill does not always produce the correct hole some time with…
Mechanical Drill
Mechanical Drill Drill is a common tool widely for making holes in a metal piece in…
Mechanical Chisel Tool
Mechanical Chisel Tool Chisel is one of the most important tools of the sheet metal,…