Design Engineering ( DE ) – Canvas Format And Demo Model


Hello Everyone..,


GTU introduced four elements in Design Engineering as below

1) Learning Need Matrix

2) Product Development Canvas

3) “AEIOU ” Framework

4) Working Model

This canvases are developed by GTU Professor to familiar with this canvas.
Brief intro to ,

1) Learning Need Matrix :-
you have to work along with this canvas upto your last year.Firstly you have to define your topic on “PURPOSE/PRODUCT CONCEPT” as shown in below have to fill up canvas using sticky notes.If you are  working on this canvas during 2nd year then you have to stick notes on “During BE II ” properly  and vice versa.

2)  Product Development Canvas :-
In this canvas you have to stick notes appropriate with subheading.
3) “AEIOU” Framework :-
 A – Activities
A- activities as the name suggests you have to describe all the activities you observed like if you are on signal crossing then you watched people,traffic police,trees,footpath,etc and the elements/note of that are stop vehicle,running vehicle etc by means of you have to describe some special notes on whatever you observed.
 E –  Environment 

 For Environment … how’s the environment during your observation. . Like warm, cloudy, soundly atmosphere, etc. … and in element box you have to describe elements you observed like mobile, vehicle, etc.. you have to sketch floor plan and describe scene like a young man calling her friend.
 I –   Interactions

For Interaction as tittle tell you have to describe your interactions along people you observed.
O –  Objects
You have to describe observed object and user to correspondingly object frame and user framework.
U –  Users

NOTE: You have to fill out below canvas with sticky notes.



4) Working Model :-
If you are in 2nd year than you just have to make DEMO MODEL using thermocol and clay.And in last year you have to represent your working model.


Demo Model



Some Final Models Made By GTU Students