Project On Electromagnetic Shearing Machine
As industrial is coming up across the glob various invention and innovations are being carried by human to fasten various processes associated with manufacturing and align things. One such thing is industrial automation unit. In this automation units various machines those can be adopted easily are also getting developed. Considering the example of piping industry (manufacture of small pipes) where plastic are PVc pipes are needed to be cut, shearing machines are used. There can be various types of shearing machines depending on parts to be cut process of cutting, requirement of cutting length, etc. now a days hydraulic shearing machine, pneumatic shearing machine and mechanical type shearing machine are popular type of shearing machines used in above industries. These machines are certainly good at work but as with almost all types of machines there are certainly pros and prones association with them to for the purpose various work is being carried out to solve the dilema.
In this project shearing m/c of a new type i.e. electromagnetic shearing m/c is decided to be fabricated. Along with it has also been decided to develop automation unit for the same so that m/c can easily be adopted in todays automated plants.
The project work assigned here with us is of building a shearing m/c that is capable of shearing PVC / plastic / rubber pipes upto 6 mm in dia. Also it is pre-assigned work to furnish the same m/c alongwith an automation unit as previously mentioned. As simple layout and tricky operational enables this type of m/c to work practically at low cost, low maintenance, low capital investment in less space. It may be forecasted that in future this m/c may have its unparallel place in the industry mentioned previously. The work is carried out using MDF (Medium Density Fiber) core hardwood plywood. Also some connecting components like studs are used the plunger is made up of high density polymer pipe and the core of electromagnetic is made up of again high density polymer pipe. Rest of the construction is made in MDF sheet cut to requirement. It can be noticed that in the fabrication of the project many parts are manufactured other than ferrous material. It is done so because ferrous is conductor of magnetism and controller be magnetised very easily for avoiding the flux generated for getting disturb with surrounding material.
The mat in surrounding is used the non ferrous. The only major component is the iron core which is needed to be made up of ferrous to get attracted to electromagnet when live next part that is fabrication out of ferrous is stud nut bolt. It is very necessary that for structural support that this part should be made in strength and support for solving the problem. It has been allowed to use ferrous material for the same. Also care have been taken to keep this ferrous material part away from electromagnet as for as possible. Whenever electromagnet is made live it sucks the iron core in between the cavity of the Electromagnetic because of high flux generated. This iron core there by pushes the plunger in the same direction which activates the cutter blade subassembly forcing the same in the blade subassembly forcing the same in the direction of material to be cut. This is simple procedure of cutting by this type of m/c.
Another part of the project includes development of automation unit for running this m/c on automation mode for cutting the mat as per required. This part include a Microcontroller a motor drives a relay driver etc
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