HEXO + : A flying camera that follows and films you.

How It Works

Take off and get live preview from your camera
HEXO + : A flying camera that follows and films you.
To start your aerial shoot, just turn your camera on and press launch in your app. Your drone will fly into its default position and the video will start streaming directly into your smartphone. There is no camera operator, no pilot and you can see exactly what your camera records.

Frame your shot with a fingertip
Deciding how you want your aerial camera to frame your shot is ridiculously intuitive. The interactive live view feed of your camera’s point of view lets you pinch to set the distance between your subject and your drone, slide laterally for panning and vertically for height. You can shoot from front, back, sides, above and everywhere in between. All you need is your smartphone plus three intuitive gestures and you’re set.
Deciding how you want your aerial camera to frame your shot is ridiculously intuitive. The interactive live view feed of your camera’s point of view lets you pinch to set the distance between your subject and your drone, slide laterally for panning and vertically for height. You can shoot from front, back, sides, above and everywhere in between. All you need is your smartphone plus three intuitive gestures and you’re set.
[sam id=”4″ codes=”true”]

Let your drone follow and film you
Your drone is attuned to the slightest of movements, continuously repositioning itself to match the filming parameters you set for it. You now have an intelligent flying camera tracking your exact trajectory and filming your every move.
Your drone is attuned to the slightest of movements, continuously repositioning itself to match the filming parameters you set for it. You now have an intelligent flying camera tracking your exact trajectory and filming your every move.

Get stupidly good-looking aerial shots
Land your drone, collect your clips and enjoy. Our technology guarantees extra-smooth stabilized camera movements, continuous perfect framing, and creates the possibility for angles that are virtually impossible to achieve with traditional means. Read: you now have the capability to film Hollywood-style aerial shots – and beyond.
Land your drone, collect your clips and enjoy. Our technology guarantees extra-smooth stabilized camera movements, continuous perfect framing, and creates the possibility for angles that are virtually impossible to achieve with traditional means. Read: you now have the capability to film Hollywood-style aerial shots – and beyond.
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