ic 7805
Voltage Regulator ic 7805 (regulator), usually having three legs, converts varying input voltage and produces a constant regulated output voltage. They are available in a variety of outputs.
The most common part numbers start with the numbers 78 or 79 and finish with two digits indicating the output voltage. The number 78 represents positive voltage and 79 negative one. The 78XX series of voltage regulators are designed for positive input. And the 79XX series is designed for negative input.
· 5V DC Regulator Name: ic LM 7805 or MC7805
· -5V DC Regulator Name: LM7905 or MC7905
· 6V DC Regulator Name: LM7806 or MC7806
· -9V DC Regulator Name: LM7909 or MC7909
The LM78XX series typically has the ability to drive current up to 1A. For application requirements up to 150mA, 78LXX can be used. As mentioned above, the component has three legs: Input leg which can hold up to 36VDC Common leg (GND) and an output leg with the regulator’s voltage. For maximum voltage regulation, adding a capacitor in parallel between the common leg and the output is usually recommended. Typically a 0.1MF capacitor is used. This eliminates any high frequency AC voltage that could otherwise combine with the output voltage. See below circuit diagram which represents a typical use of a voltage regulator.
lm 7805 Circuit Diagram
what is a ic 7805 voltage regulator?
ic 7805 is a voltage regulator integrated circuit. It is a member of 78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulator ICs. The voltage source in a circuit may have fluctuations and would not give the fixed voltage output. The voltage regulator IC maintains the output voltage at a constant value. The xx in 78xx indicates the fixed output voltage it is designed to provide. 7805 provides +5V regulated power supply. Capacitors of suitable values can be connected at input and output pins depending upon the respective voltage levels.
lm 7805 ic pin function
Pin No | Function | Name |
1 | Input voltage (5V-18V) | Input |
2 | Ground (0V) | Ground |
3 | Regulated output; 5V (4.8V-5.2V) | Output |
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