Engineers Gallery

LED Lighting


In recent years we have heard a lot about LED lighting and the boom that has had this technology, so I wanted to make a small comparison test between an LED bulb and a fluorescent light bulb, with a light output in both bulbs 600Lm. what I did was connect the two bulbs to a power meter and verify what the manufacturer tells me about their energy consumption.

The first light bulb was performed the test, the LED bulb as manufacturer’s specifications, has an approximately consumption 5w / h.

We actually consume 5,3w / h which is very good compared to the brightness offered by this bulb.

Now let’s test the fluorescent bulb, which according to its manufacturer has a consumption of 15w / h.

We see that consumption is 12.8w / h, which is good since the manufacturer says that its consumption is 15w / h average, but still compared to a LED bulb, this fluorescent bulb is consuming more than doubled.

According to the above test I recommend that you consider switching to LED bulbs, for besides its low power consumption, the life of these bulbs is almost three times higher than a fluorescent bulb.

                                   Comparison chart

If you wish to contribute to the planet, changing light bulbs LED is a very good start.

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