Introduction to Project
Ever since the industrial revolutions human have been dependent on fuels for automobiles, cooking such as petrol, diesel LPG,CNG or biogas etc. in order to make their lives easier unfortunately in doing so; there have been several unforeseen side effects so we need to utilize new alternative fuels in automobiles cooking as stock of conventional fuels are very limited &it is diminishing day by day so need make a new concept for storing conventional or non conventional fuel or gas.
So we make our new concept “Manually Operated Biogas Filling Machine” in these concept we filled biogas in cylinder using manual power very easily.
The shortage of LPG Is very big problem now a days again the supply of LPG cylinders is intermitted and insufficient and seriousness of situation can be explain by long quos of cylinder in both rural and urban areas so we have needed to overcome the problem .
So use of biogas is good alternative for LPG. it is very competitive fuel now a days. We are replacing LPG with biogas at least in rural areas still its use is limited .the main problem with biogas is its storages and transportation. Biogas is produced in digester and stores there itself so that it can utilize in near vicinity this does not give any flexibility to use of biogas away from its production point it is again seen that India country have base of farming. the farmer having their cattle in the farm and live villages. this put limitations on using biogas for cooking purpose.
Our project is provided solution for above said problem. At present no technology is available to sore and transportation the biogas ones this gas is available in the cylinder like LPG . it can be used for various purpose. It can be used hot only for cooking but also in water heating, automobile, small electricity generators etc. And main used for their machine in rural areas there are no jobs in rural areas. So people are migrating to urban areas. The biogas production and filling station can be done for rural areas. The biogas can be produce in regularly supply. For, rural areas the biogas can be produce in big digesters and can be regularly supply for domestic and commercial purpose this will create employment in rural industries. Bio gas production and filling cylinder is cheap and risk less process. Same project’s can be set up for waste disposal plant in urban areas.
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