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Here one can find complete instruction set of 8051 microcontroller

Here one can find complete instruction set of 8051 microcontroller. Complete information regarding each instruction like operational explanation, addressing mode, no. of byte occupied, no. of cycles used etc is given. So just, go through it. It’s a ready reference.


The complete 8051 Instruction Set or all 8051 instructions are broadly classify in to four groups data moving, logical, arithmetic and branching.

Data moving / handling Instructions:

Mnemonics Operational description Addressing mode No. of bytes occupied No. of cycles used
Mov a,#num Copy the immediate data num in to acc immediate 2 1
Mov Rx,a Copy the data from acc to Rx register 1 1
Mov a,Rx Copy the data from Rx to acc register 1 1
Mov Rx,#num Copy the immediate data num in to Rx immediate 2 1
Mov a,add Copy the data from direct address add to acc direct 2 1
Mov add,a Copy the data from acc to direct address add direct 2 1
Mov add,#num Copy the immediate data num in to direct address direct 3 2
Mov add1,add2 Copy the data from add2 to add1 direct 3 2
Mov Rx,add Copy the data from direct address add to Rx direct 2 2
Mov add,Rx Copy the data from Rx to direct address add direct 2 2
Mov @Rp,a Copy the data in acc to address in Rp Indirect 1 1
Mov a,@Rp Copy the data that is at address in Rp to acc Indirect 1 1
Mov add,@Rp Copy the data that is at address in Rp to add Indirect 2 2
Mov @Rp,add Copy the data in add to address in Rp Indirect 2 2
Mov @Rp,#num Copy the immediate byte num to the address in Rp Indirect 2 1
Movx a,@Rp Copy the content of external add in Rp to acc Indirect 1 2
Movx a,@DPTR Copy the content of external add in DPTR to acc Indirect 1 2
Movx @Rp,a Copy the content of acc to the external add in Rp Indirect 1 2
Movx @DPTR,a Copy the content of acc to the external add in DPTR Indirect 1 2
Movc a,@a+DPTR The address is formed by adding acc and DPTR and its content is copied to acc indirect 1 2
Movc a, @a+PC The address is formed by adding acc and PC and its content is copied to acc indirect 1 2
Push add Increment SP and copy the data from source add to internal RAM address contained in SP Direct 2 2
Pop add copy the data from internal RAM address contained in SP to destination add and decrement SP direct 2 2
Xch a, Rx Exchange the data between acc and Rx Register 1 1
Xch a, add Exchange the data between acc and given add Direct 2 1
Xch a,@Rp Exchange the data between acc and address in Rp Indirect 1 1
Xchd a, @Rp Exchange only lower nibble of acc and address in Rp indirect 1 1

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