Electronics Tutorials
MI Lab
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The aim of this project is to develop a billing solution for Energy consumption just like pre-paid taxi, mobile phone, petro card etc.
The present practice of electricity billing is manual method only. With this, the total billing is a time consuming process and it requires more manpower. The collection of billing is late procedure and so many consumers may not pay in time. Disconnecting of unpaid connections is also manual. Due to all these drawbacks we cannot have proper auditing. Lack of awareness on power consumption and also the present energy meters displays only units, so the user cannot plan his usage of power. To avoid all these problems, we are introducing this system.
The short message system (SMS) of a standard mobile phone can be used for much more than just exchanging cryptic message. The SMS service provides by the service providers are comparatively low cost. Hence the system is highly efficient and low cost. The Short Message Service allows text messages to be sent and received to and from mobile telephones. The text can comprise words or numbers or an alphanumeric combination. Because Simple person – to – person messaging is such an important component of total SMS traffic volumes, anything that simplifies message generation as well as extended utility of the SMS being sent is an important enabler of Short Message Service. Such extended utility of SMS fulfills certain important requirements.
Now a day’s no one is using this type of system in India, but in future in order to save the energy and get systems automated we should use this type of intelligent system. Wastage of power is inevitable in large industries. This is because the existing system provides no check on the consumption and therefore there is a tendency to be careless. If there was a system that allotted a fixed ration of power for a period then the workers would be more careful thereby minimizing the electricity loss.
When the user pays money, he gets a recharge code. When he enters the code, the meter verifies the code with substation and on confirmation; it starts counting the no. of units and reduces the card amount relatively. On completion of amount, it disconnects the line automatically with an alarm prior to that. The consumption data, card status and line status are transmitted to substation for auditing. With this system, we can determine the difference between the actual powers consumed and sold power easily. With this we can easily identify the tampered areas and we can avoid power thefting. In this project, the present billing system was eliminated completely and a new system namely prepaid billing system was introduced for embedded applications which overcomes the drawbacks in present billing system. If this system comes in our day to day life it will be useful for both the Government and the public.
- AT89S52
- MAX232
- BT136
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