Engineers Gallery



The paper “Real time atomization of agricultural environment for social modernization of Indian agricultural system” using ARM7 and GSM’ is focused on atomizing the irrigation system for social welfare of Indian agricultural system and also to provide adequate irrigation in particular area. The set up consists of ARM7TDMI core, which is a 32-bit microprocessor; GSM serves as an important part as it is responsible for controlling the irrigation on field and sends them to the receiver through coded signals. GSM operates through SMS and is the link between ARM processor and centralized unit. ARM7TDMI is an advanced version of microprocessors and forms the heart of the system. Our project aims to implement the basic application of atomizing the irrigation field by programming the components and building the necessary hardware. This project is used to find the exact field condition. GSM is used to inform the user about the exact field condition. The information is given on user request in form of SMS. GSM modem can be controlled by standard set of AT (Attention) commands. These commands can be used to control majority of the functions of GSM modem.


The purpose of this project is to improve the irrigation system of Indian agriculture and also to provide adequate irrigation to particular area.


Appropriate environmental conditions are necessary for optimum plant growth, improved Crop yields, and efficient use of water and other resources. Automating the data acquisition Process of the soil conditions and various climatic parameters that govern plant growth allows information to be collected at high frequency with less labor requirements.

This project is developed mobile phone based remote control application for induction motor-pump based irrigation in agriculture.

In order to prevent dry running of motor and allow automatic restart of motor when sufficient water level is regained. Whenever water falls below LL level, microcontroller switches OFF the motor and sends SMS indicating empty well (dry running) conditions. The micro-controller switches ON the motor again when ever water rises beyond HL level and sends sms indicating resumption of task. Using analog voltage inputs for LL and HL levels increases the flexibility of system by just incorporating different threshold levels in program for different soil conditions.

In both conditions (water level sensor) protection for induction motor. However, in order to ensure maximum reliability, one temperature sensor is mounted on body of motor, to measure ambient temperature whenever temperature difference exceeds specified safety limit, signal is sent to switch OFF pump along with error indication to LCD display and conveying SMS to user cell phone to indicate probable fault occurrence. We are using soil moisture sensor placed at the plants to know how much water content is present in the field

Generally frequent power cuts and insufficient rains at various stages of growth are one of major causes of losses to farmers. Many farmers use induction motor pumps to irrigate their farms from wells. In this application, GSM modem receives any incoming SMS message is directly routed to micro-controller and any outgoing text message is directly sent by micro-controller to designated cell phone number without being stored in control system cell phone memory. As a result, phone memory is not in undated with messages in spite of many messages being transferred.








GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is the technology that underpins most of the world’s mobile phone networks. The GSM platform is a hugely successful wireless technology and an unprecedented story of global achievement and cooperation. GSM has become the world’s fastest growing communications technology of all time and the leading global mobile standard, spanning 218 countries. GSM is an open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services. GSM operates in the 900MHz and 1.8GHz bands GSM supports data transfer speeds of up to 9.6 kbps, allowing the transmission of basic data services such as SMS.








This project finds application in domestic agricultural field. In civilian domain, this can be used to ensure faithful irrigation of farm field, since we have the option of finding out moisture level of soil in a particular area.



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