This project deals with the design & development of a theft control system for an automobile, which is being used to prevent/control the theft of a vehicle. The developed system makes use of an embedded system based on Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) technology. The designed & developed system is installed in the vehicle. An interfacing mobile is also connected to the microcontroller, which is in turn, connected to the engine. Once, the vehicle is being stolen, the information is being used by the vehicle owner for further processing. The information is passed onto the central processing insurance system which is in the form of the SMS, the microcontroller unit reads the SMS and sends it to the Global Positioning System (GPS) module and using the triangulation method, GPS module feeds the exact location in the form of latitude and longitude to the user’s mobile. By reading the signals received by the mobile, one can control the ignition of the engine; say to lock it or to stop the engine immediately. The main concept in this design is introducing the mobile communication into an embedded system. The designed unit is very simple& low cost. The entire designed unit is on a single chip.
The main aim of the project is to design and develop an advanced vehicle locking system in the real time environment. The user can send a STATUS message from his cell phone and as soon as the GSM module gets the message, it will check for the user’s authentication and if found to be valid, it will immediately send the details of the locations like the latitude and the longitude using GPS module. So the user can get to know the exact location of the vehicle. At the same time message will b sent to a personal computer where user can get the exact location of vehicle pointed out on the Google maps.
In this paper we present a novel anti theft control system for automobiles that tries to prevent the theft of a vehicle. This system makes use of an embedded chip that has an inductive proximity sensor, which senses the key during insertion and sends a text message to the owner’s mobile stating that the car is being accessed. This is followed by the system present in the car asking the user to enter a unique password. The password consists of few characters and the car key number. If the user fails to enter the correct password in three trials, a text message is sent to the police with the vehicle number and the location tracked using a GPS module. The message is also sent to the owner about the unauthorized usage. Further the fuel injector of the car deactivated so that the user cannot start the car by any means. At the same time a secret lock system gets activated and the unauthorized user gets trapped inside the car and only the owner who is equipped with the key to the secret lock system can deactivate the mechanism. This technique helps in taking fast steps towards an attempt to steal the .The design is robust and simple.
When the key is inserted in the key hole the inductive proximity sensor detects the key and triggers the microcontroller. A password check message is displayed on the LCD provided inside the car and at the same time the owner is alerted with a message about the usage of his car. Totally three trials are provided to enter the correct password. If the entered password is incorrect a second electronic lock system gets activated and the doors are locked. An alert message is sent to the police and the owner about the illegal access of his car. With the help of GPS the exact location of his car is found and the key of the second lock system is available only with the owner hence a total control over the vehicle is established.
GPS (Global Positioning System) technology is used to find the location of any object or vehicle to monitor a child continuously using satellite signals. Three satellite signals are necessary to locate the receiver in 3D space and fourth satellite is used for time accuracy.GPS will give the information of parameters like longitude, latitude and attitude. With the help of these parameters one can easily locate the position of any object. In this GPS technology, the communication takes place between GPS transceiver and GPS satellite.
GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is the technology that underpins most of the world’s mobile phone networks. The GSM platform is a hugely successful wireless technology and an unprecedented story of global achievement and cooperation. GSM has become the world’s fastest growing communications technology of all time and the leading global mobile standard, spanning 218 countries. GSM is an open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services. GSM operates in the 900MHz and 1.8GHz bands GSM supports data transfer speeds of up to 9.6 kbps, allowing the transmission of basic data services such as SMS.
- MAX232
This project deals with the design & development of a theft control system for an automobile, which is being used to prevent or control the theft of a vehicle. This system is designed to improve vehicle security and accessibility. With the use of wireless technology vehicle owners are able to enter as well as protect their automobiles with more passive involvement. Ideally, this project could be made more convenient and secure with the use of satellite modems instead of cell phones as tracking device as the system may fail when there is no network coverage. This design can be made more enhanced in future to support camera, handset phone / hands free, mobile data LCD display, web based tracking software, and also PC based stand alone software. In our project the security system is based on embedded control which provides security against theft. The GSM modem provides information to the user on his request. The owner can access the position of the vehicle at any instant. He sends a message in order to lock the vehicle. The GPS receiver on the kit will locate the latitude and longitude of the vehicle using the satellite service. This is reliable and efficient system for providing security to the vehicles through GSM, GPS and serial communication. The maximum speed according to the standard is 20kbits/sec.
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