Tin is recognized as brightly shining white metal. It does not corrode in wet and dry conditions. Therefore, it is commonly used as a protective coating material for iron and steel. The main source of tin is tinstone. Large deposits of tinstone occur in Tairy (Burma) and small quantities in Hazaribagh in Bihar of India.
To obtain crude tin, the ores of tins are crushed, calcined, washed and then smelted in a furnace using anthracite coal and sand. The crude tin is then refined in a reverberatory furnace to get commercially pure tin. Chemically pure tin is made by electrolytic deposition from commercial tin.
Tin is considered as a soft and ductile material. It possesses very good malleability. Its melting point is 232°C and specific gravity is 7.3. It is malleable and hence can be hammered into thin foils
Tin-base white metals are commonly used to make bearings that are subjected to high pressure and load. Tin is used as coating on other metals and alloys owing to its resistance to corrosion. It is employed in low melting point alloys as a substitute for Bismuth. It is generally preferred as moisture proof packing material. Because of its high malleability, it finds application in tin cans for storing food and food items.
Tin Base Alloy
Tin base alloy is also known as Babbitt metal which contains
Sn = 88%
Sb = 8%
Cu = 4%
Babbit metal possesses excellent antifriction properties and sufficient mechanical strength. It can be easily casted. It is expensive because of high tin content.
Because of the above properties, Babbit metal is the most common bearing metal used with cast iron boxes where the bearings are subjected to high pressure and load applications.
Reference Introduction to basic Manufacturing Processes and Workshop Technology by Rajender Singh.
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