Engineers Gallery



The main aim of this project is to controller the traffic at the junction by placing the traffic light with help of IR sensors.



The purpose of this project is to control traffic at the junctions with help of ir (infra red)sensors. Traffic lights, which may also be known as stoplights, traffic lamps, traffic signals, stop-and-go lights, robots or semaphore, are signaling devices positioned at road intersections, pedestrian  crossing and other locations to control competing flows of traffic. Traffic lights have been installed in most cities around the world. The IR transmitter will continuously transmit IR rays and receiver (photo diode) will continuously receive the rays whenever some obstacle passes through the IR pair the transmission will be beaked by which we come to know that an intruder have been detected. In this way this communication will help us in safeguarding and many other applications. in this project we are using IR sensor for traffic control system based on density.intially we set 1min time in microcontroller to control the traffic density it display on LCD. If the traffic density is >60 sec vehicle move rood2 ,or else it take rood1. IR pairs placed in between roods.


A sensor is a device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument. Thermometer moves 1 cm when the temperature changes by 1 °C, the sensitivity is 1 cm/°C.

                                                                                                           IR PAIR



Micro controller (AT89S52) is used for the interfacing of all modules supporting a program.

Power supply generates the required voltage by using the transformer, bridge rectifier, and filter and voltage regulator.

IR (infrared rays) these rays are used for the wireless communication.


Traffic signals are used at junction for controllering the traffic.



Micro controller supports the KEIL software for its code.

To design a circuit “EXPRESS PCB” is used.

Micro controller needs “MICRO’C’FLASH” software to insert a code in it.







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