Electronics Tutorials
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The main aim of this project is to control the traffic automatically and adding human inelegancy to that automatic controller.
The purpose of this project is to overcome the draw backs in the normal traffic light controlling system and to design an intelligent traffic controlling system which overcomes the problem of heavy traffic in the cities.
In this project we are going to use IR communication to analyze traffic density. IR signals from IR receiver are given to microcontroller and microcontroller gives appropriate result according to traffic. For better result we are going to use some bunch of IR transmitters and IR receivers in all directions. When there is a more traffic in one side more no. of IR receivers will not get the signals and result will compare with all other directions and microcontroller gives green signals at one side where more no of IR receivers will not get the signals.
For IR communication we are using an IR transmitter and IR receiver. Here IR LED will acts as a transmitter. As we know microcontroller having inbuilt I/O ports and we are interfacing IR receivers to those I/O ports. For controlling of traffic we are using red, green and yellow color LED’s. These LED’s are connected to different I/O ports of micro controller. When there is a more traffic microcontroller gives signal to green LED on that b direction.
Infrared (IR) radiation is electro magnetic radiation whose wavelength is longer than that of visible light (400-700 nm), but shorter than that of terahertz radiation (100 µm – 1 mm) and microwaves (~30,000 µm). Infrared radiation spans roughly three orders of magnitude (750 nm to 100 µm). Infrared light comprises the lower frequency energy emissions which are undetectable by the human eye. Our eyes are not sensitive to such low-energy radiation, but IR can reveal useful information about our environment.
In this project we are using the IR (Infrared) communication technology. The IR rays are invisible rays. In this communication technique we have a IR transmitter LED and IR receiver LED. The IR transmitter led always transmits the IR rays continuously; on the other side there will be the IR receiver to receive these rays. So if any disturbance or obstacle occurs between these devices then the communication between the IR transmitter and receiver will be cutoff and no information will be exchanged between them. So depending upon the signal on the IR receiver side we will perform the corresponding actions. IR communication is limited to short distances only.
- Embedded C
- Keil IDE
- Uc-Flash
- Microcontroller
- Power supply
- IR transmitters and receivers
- Red, Green and Yellow LEDs.
By using this project we can implement an intelligent traffic control system which overcomes the drawbacks of normal traffic light controlling.
Used in the intelligent traffic light controlling systems.
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