The USB standard connectors have both male and female types. The male connectors are usually found at the cables and are commonly referred to as USB plug. The female connector usually found sitting inside the device and are commonly referred to as USB receptacles. USB connectors are polarized connectors, it is impossible to connect the USB plug to the receptacle upside down. No screws or clips are used in USB connectors since they are designed for frequent connection and disconnection. A small amount of force is only required to plug the connector in and out. USB connectors are designed for strength, durability and maximum number of mating cycle.
Let us take a look at the USB standard connectors, their applications and pin-out.
These types of USB connectors are identified by their rectangular shaped plug. The plug is always found in the cable and the receptacle is found in the device. They are commonly used with keyboard, mouse, data-cards etc. The image of a type A connector and the pin position is shown in the following image.
The pin-position of Type A USB connector
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