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What is Operational Amplifier?


Operational Amplifier or commonly known as op-amp is a voltage amplifying device. The output of op-amp is much much larger as compared to the potential difference between its input terminals. Operational amplifier has much importance in today’s electronic projects and it is also known as a fundamental building block of the analogue electronic circuits. Operational amplifiers were invented a long time ago and they ere also used in computers of old age. In those computers the function of operational amplifiers was to perform mathematical operations.

Operational amplifiers have a large no of applications and are most commonly use to perform some electronic operations like signal conditioning. When signals are transmitted over a long distances and what mostly happens is the strength of the signal is weakened. and some noise and disturbances are also included in it. to overcome these issues, we use repeater circuits and after some times the amplitude of signal is again boosted up with the help of operational amplifier. Similarly op-amp are also used for filtering of the signal. They are also used in logic designed projects to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, integration and differentiation. The reason why operational amplifiers are much popular and are widely used in digital electronic circuits is that, they possess versatility.

Above was a little introduction about operational amplifier, its working and its applications. Now lets explain some other parameters of operational amplifiers which are given as below:

Pin configuration of operational amplifier:

                                                                                 Operational amplifier

Operational Amplifier has major 3 pins. Among these 3 pins, 2 pins are reserved for input and these pins are of much High Impedance. One input of the operational amplifier is known as inverted input and it is marked as negative sign (-) while the other pin of the operational amplifier is known as non-inverting input and it is marked as positive sign (+). Both these inputs have High impedance. The third terminal of the operational amplifier is its output pin and it is of Low impedance. You can also see the pin configuration of op-amp in the feature image of this tutorial.

Characteristics of an op-amp

Operational amplifier is a very important amplifier and used as a building block in various electronics projects. Op-amp possess the following features:

                                                        G = V(out)/V(in)

Now if we are using the operational amplifier in open loop condition then, the input voltages ‘V(in)’ will becomes zero and the Gain will become infinite.

Operation of Op-Amp:

Operational amplifiers have 2 differential inputs which are named as ‘Inverting’ and ‘non-inverting’ inputs. In actual case the operational amplifier only amplifies those inputs difference which is applied between its input terminals. The output generated at its terminals can be calculated by the formula given below:

                                        V(out) = G(o.l) {(V+)-(V-)}

Applications of Operational Amplifier

Operational Amplifiers have a large no. of applications and some of them are given below as:

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