Few material for cutting tools are generally used which are as follows.

(i) High Speed Steel

These have superior hot hardness and it can retain the hardness up to 900Ā°C. InĀ it tungsten produces martensite structure with other elements. It is three typesĀ 18-4-1 High Speed Steel.

It has 18% tungsten, 4% chromium, 1% vanadium and 0.7% carbon: This is used forĀ machining or metal cutting speed above 50 m/min. But for higher cutting speedĀ vanadium is increased.

Molybdenum high Speed Steel

It has 6% Molybdenum, 4% chromium and 2% vanadium.


Cobalt High Speed Steel

It is also known as super high speed steel. It has 1-12% cobalt, 20% tungsten, 4%Ā chromium and 2% vanadium. It is very good for high cutting speed.

(ii) Cemented Carbides

The use of tungsten as an alloying elements gives steel the properly of retainingĀ hardness at high temperature up to 900Ā°C to 1000Ā°C. Carbide is made by mixingĀ tungsten metal powder with carbon and heating the mixture to the about 1600Ā°C inĀ the atmosphere of hydrogen until the two substance have under gone the chemicalĀ reaction to produce tungsten carbides. Cemented carbide is a powder metallurgicalĀ product. The powder of several carbide compounds are pressed and bonded togetherĀ in a matrix to from a cemented material. Today, the following three groups ofĀ cemented carbides are extensively applied for cutting elements of tools.

(a) WC + Co + (WC-TiC-TaC-NiC) for use in the machining of steels.

(b) WC + Co for use in the machining of cast irons and non ferrous metals.

(c) TiC + Ni + Mo for use in the machining of high temperature high strength metals.

Cemented carbides have a very high hardness (second only to diamond) and high wearĀ resistance to abrasion. They do not loose their cutting properties i.e., hardness overĀ a wide range of temperature up to 900-1000Ā°C. Therefore tools tipped with cementedĀ carbides are capable of efficiently machining the hardest metals, including hardenedĀ steels at high cutting speeds. Such tools can operate at cutting speeds from 16 to 25Ā folds those permitted for tools made of carbon tool steels. One drawback of cementedĀ carbides is their brittleness. Very high stiffness (Youngā€™s modulus is about three timesĀ that of steel) of the cemented carbides requires that they are well supported on aĀ shank of sufficient thickness, for even a small amount of bonding deformation in aĀ material of this stiffness may induce very high tensile stresses. Cemented carbidesĀ are weak in tension than in compression. They have a strong tendency to formĀ pressure welds at low cutting speeds. In view of this they should be operated at speedsĀ considerably in excess of those used with high speed steel tools. This caused forĀ machine tools of increased power. Carbides that obtain high cobalt percentage areĀ tougher and stronger than that contain low cobalt. Hence they are used for roughĀ cutting, interrupted cuts and for milling. The low cobalt variety is used for finishedĀ operations such as turning with a smooth chip cross-section and a continuous cut. ItĀ is recommended to keep the braze metal as thin as possible.

(iii) Ceramics Tool

The latest development in the metal cutting tools uses Aluminium oxide, generallyĀ referred as ceramics. These tools are made by compacting Al2O3 powder in a mouldĀ at about 280 kg/cm2 or more. The part is then sintered at 2200Ā°C. This method isĀ also known cold pressing ceramic tool. Hot pressed ceramic tool materials areĀ expensive owing to their higher mould costs. These are made in form of tips thatĀ are clamped to metal shanks. These tools have very low heat conductivity andĀ possess extremely high compressive strength. However they are quite brittle. TheĀ have low bending strength. They can with stand temperatures up to 1200Ā°C and canĀ be used at cutting speeds 10 times that of high speed cutting tools and 4 times thatĀ of cemented carbides. They are chiefly used for single point cutting tools for semifinishĀ and turning of cast iron, plastics and other work. Heat conductivity of ceramicsĀ is very low and hence these tools are generally used without a coolant.

(iv) Carbides tool

It may be produced from carbides of tungsten, titanium and tantanum with sameĀ percentage, of cobalt. The product is obtained by a special technique known asĀ powder metallurgy. Usually it contains 82% tungsten, 8% cobalt and l0% titaniumĀ and the product is obtained by a special technique known as power metallurgy.

Cobalt acts as a binder and others are very hard substance. This tool contains highĀ degree of hardness and resistance. It is able to retain hardness at elevatedĀ temperatures up to l000Ā°C. It can be operated at speeds 5 to 6 times or (more)Ā higher than those with high speed steel.

(v) Diamond

It is a noble material which is so costly that its application becomes limited. It isĀ a hardest material. It can be used for cutting at a speed 50 times greater thanĀ H.S.S. tools. It can retain its hardness even at a temperature of 1650. It has lowĀ coefficient of friction and high heat conductivity. Diamond tools are used to produceĀ good surface finish.

Reference Introduction to basic Manufacturing Processes and Workshop Technology by Rajender Singh.

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